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Unlocking Social Media Success

As we navigate 2024, understanding social media trends is vital for staying ahead. Hootsuite’s Social Trends 2024 Report offers key insights into maximising ROI through social platforms.   Here are the highlights: Top Metrics for Measuring ROI: Engagement (69%) Time

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Revitalise Your Website with These 15 Strategies

If you want to take your website to the next level and ensure that visitors not only browse but also convert into customers or leads, consider implementing these strategies for your website: 1. Personalised User Experience: Utilise data and analytics

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Introducing the New Google Analytics

Introducing the New Google Analytics Google Analytics has been the go-to tool for businesses and marketers to gather insights about their online presence. However, with changing times and evolving user expectations, Google has introduced an upgraded version called GA4 (Google

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Planning An Effective SEO Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a complex and intricate art. With so many plates to spin to keep your site at the top spot, it can sometimes be hard to keep track of everything at once. It’s vital to establish

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How to start a podcast

Podcasting has become a fantastic way to prove your expertise in your industry and grow a dedicated following with customers. Its easy to do too. This blog gives you a quick rundown of what equipment and software you need to

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3 ways to improve your PR campaigns

In episode #2 of the Yellow Marketing Podcast, Lynsey Vergauwe discusses 3 ways to improve results from PR campaigns and how to impress journalists. The Yellow Marketing Podcast is series of weekly conversations with the Yellow team covering all aspects

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Marketing mistakes to avoid

In this episode of the Yellow Marketing Podcast, Stephen Vaughan from Yellow Marketing discusses 4 marketing mistakes we found that most clients make that if fixed, could make a MASSIVE difference to your marketing success. Listen to find out the

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How to build trust in uncertain times

How To Build Trust In Uncertain Times Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, there have been massive shifts in the way consumers are behaving. Whilst some are happy to keep spending, other customers are keeping the purse strings a bit tighter. You

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Getting started with Google Shopping…

By Rob Russell There’s no denying that Google has been at the forefront of digital marketing for what feels like forever – and it certainly doesn’t show any signs of stopping. From only the Search and Display Network way back

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How to get better results from your website

If you want to find out how to get better results from your website,  Yellow Marketing have an initial checklist we use as the starting points for improving the performance of sites. It is simple – be honest with yourself

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How to improve your copywriting

Do you want to find out how to improve your copywriting?  In this blog we have a breakdown of how we plan for writing marketing copy, how to write effectively and how to double check what you are doing is

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Common mistakes to avoid in Google Ads

  In this article you will find out How to get better results from Google Ads. Google Ads is still the most effective way of getting a large amount of quality traffic to your website fast (as it’s the only way to

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The new RULES of marketing in 2020

Watch a section from a recent marketing seminar from Yellow Marketing Director David Roberts. In this video, Dave explains the ‘new rules’ of marketing. These strategies are lessons learnt over more than 1000 marketing projects – what works, what doesn’t work

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How to do your own photography

Yellow Marketing Programme Director Keith Lupton started his career as a photographer and has been on hundreds of photo shoots for a variety of clients. As cameras become cheaper and quality gets higher, you can now produce high quality images

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Basics of Facebook advertising

Facebook is the best targeting tool on the internet. No other platform has such detailed information about it’s users – and you can take advantage of that knowledge through their pay per click platform. Yellow MD David Roberts explains the

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The importance of website headlines

‘Welcome’ is not an effective headline for a website. Like in a newspaper, headlines are what makes you decide if you want to read on or not. Yellow MD David Roberts explains the importance of a good website headline.

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The website conversion checklist

In this seminar, Yellow Marketing Programme MD David Roberts explains a checklist that helps you guarantee better results from your website. If you are spending money sending traffic to your website and not getting leads, it is the websites fault

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How email marketing is evolving

As open rates are dropping (mainly due to inbox filters being a bit more strict and putting more emails in the junk) we can also use email to help the rest of our campaigns by using it as a tool

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Finding the right audience on Twitter

You can have millions of followers on Twitter but if none of them are your target audience and would never by from you then that following is useless! In this video, Yellow Marketing Programme MD David Roberts explains how to

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Social media – Posting the right content

Yellow Managing Director David Roberts explains what content is most effective on social media. Most people try social media for a few months and get no sales from it and then abandon it. However, Social media is designed to tickle

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Why you need to humanise your marketing

People want to work with people – not a logo. Now more than ever, with the invention of things like social media and reality TV, people want to know the humans behind your business. If you are not approachable, why

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Rules For A Successful Blog

A blog on your website that is full of problem solving advice can help you grow a following, regularly bring people back to your website and also raise your status as a expert in the industry. This video is an interview

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How to add URGENCY to your marketing

If you don’t give people a REASON to contact you TODAY….they won’t. They will wait until they are not busy or wait util payday – but forget it instead of doing either. Yellow Marketing Programme’s David Roberts explains how to

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Marketing on a budget

When on a limited marketing budget, most businesses don’t know where to start. In this video, Yellow MD David Roberts recommends where to start for quick results in your marketing without having to dive into your budget too much. If

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Why you NEED video in your marketing

Video has become an essential part of marketing as it is now the only way to PROVE just how good your business is. In the video below, marketing expert David Roberts explains why video is such an effective tool in

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3 rules for writing press releases

If you want to get your business in the press, you need to produce press releases that journalists want – the correct structure, the right subject matter and a story worth reading. In the video below, Yellow’s Steph Bewley takes

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The future of lead generation

The old way of sending people to a landing page, getting their email address and then sending them autoresponders until they buy DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE. The amount of people filling out data capture forms are dwindling and autoresponders are being

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Is offline marketing dead?

By Olivia Murphy In a world where everyone has a phone in their hands and we’ve all become slaves to technology, people assume that offline marketing is dead. We’re here to tell you that is WRONG. As with every marketing

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