Revitalise Your Website with These 15 Strategies
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If you want to take your website to the next level and ensure that visitors not only browse but also convert into customers or leads, consider implementing these strategies for your website: 1. Personalised User Experience: Utilise data and analytics … Read More

Twitter’s Bold Move: Is Rebranding to ‘X’ a Smart Decision?
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Twitter’s Bold Move: Is Rebranding to ‘X’ a Smart Decision? Twitter, the social media giant that has become an integral part of many of our lives online is embarking on a transformative journey. News has emerged that Elon Musk, the … Read More

Introducing the New Google Analytics
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Introducing the New Google Analytics Google Analytics has been the go-to tool for businesses and marketers to gather insights about their online presence. However, with changing times and evolving user expectations, Google has introduced an upgraded version called GA4 (Google … Read More

Marketing lessons learned through the pandemic.
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The pandemic has impacted nearly every industry and business we can imagine, of which marketeers have had to completely tear up the rule book and start from scratch. We had to learn these lessons fast and by necessity, to continue … Read More

What we can learn from Aldi’s Twitter tirade
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    As many of you will have seen recently, there has been a social media outburst from UK supermarket Aldi as they face a quite serious court case from competitor Marks & Spencer. Aldi’s social media team made light … Read More

How to start a podcast
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Podcasting has become a fantastic way to prove your expertise in your industry and grow a dedicated following with customers. Its easy to do too. This blog gives you a quick rundown of what equipment and software you need to … Read More

3 ways to improve your PR campaigns
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In episode #2 of the Yellow Marketing Podcast, Lynsey Vergauwe discusses 3 ways to improve results from PR campaigns and how to impress journalists. The Yellow Marketing Podcast is series of weekly conversations with the Yellow team covering all aspects … Read More

Marketing mistakes to avoid
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In this episode of the Yellow Marketing Podcast, Stephen Vaughan from Yellow Marketing discusses 4 marketing mistakes we found that most clients make that if fixed, could make a MASSIVE difference to your marketing success. Listen to find out the … Read More

How to build trust in uncertain times
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How To Build Trust In Uncertain Times Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, there have been massive shifts in the way consumers are behaving. Whilst some are happy to keep spending, other customers are keeping the purse strings a bit tighter. You … Read More

Getting started with Google Shopping…
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By Rob Russell There’s no denying that Google has been at the forefront of digital marketing for what feels like forever – and it certainly doesn’t show any signs of stopping. From only the Search and Display Network way back … Read More

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